Ireland, Norway, Spain Recognise Palestine As State, Israel Recalls Envoys

Ireland, Norway, Spain Recognise Palestine As State, Israel Recalls Envoys

Ireland, Norway, Spain Recognise Palestine As State, Israel Recalls Envoys


In a significant move amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza, Ireland, Norway, and Spain on Wednesday officially recognised Palestine as a state. Consequently, Israel has recalled its ambassadors from Ireland and Norway. 

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz in a statement today asserted Israel’s stance against what it perceived as a challenge to its sovereignty and security. “I’m sending a clear and unequivocal message to Ireland and Norway: Israel will not remain silent in the face of those undermining its sovereignty and endangering its security,” Katz stated. 

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced today that his nation would recognise Palestine as a state from May 28. Katz issued a warning to Spain, indicating that actions would be taken against it. 

“The Irish-Norwegian folly does not deter us; we determine to achieve our goals: restoring security to our citizens, dismantling Hamas, and bringing the hostages home. There are no more just causes than these,” Katz affirmed. 

This development unfolds as the conflict in Gaza persists, leading to a humanitarian crisis in the Hamas-controlled territory. The casualties are staggering, with thousands dead or injured, and millions displaced, facing the looming threat of starvation.

Spain, Norway, Ireland Recognise ‘The State Of Palestine’  

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez addressed the Congress, “echoing the sentiments of the majority of the Spaniards”, declaring, “Next Tuesday, May 28, Spain will approve the recognition of the State of Palestine in the Council of Ministers. The time has come to move from words to action. For peace, justice, and coherence”. 

Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris also voiced support for a two-state solution, asserting its necessity for peace and security in the region. “Today Ireland recognises the state of Palestine. We believe that recognition will contribute to peace and reconciliation in the Middle East,” Harris affirmed. 

Similarly, Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere expressed hope that recognising an independent Palestine state would facilitate peace with Israel. “In the middle of a war, with tens of thousands of dead and injured, we must keep alive the only thing that can provide a safe home for both Israelis and Palestinians: two states that can live in peace with each other,” Stoere stated. 

European Union members Slovenia and Malta have also indicated their intention to recognise Palestine, underscoring the importance of a two-state solution for lasting peace in the region. 

Currently, 143 out of 193 UN member-states have recognised Palestine as a state. Notably, the UK and the US are among the nations that have yet to extend formal recognition. 

Israel Reacts 

Israel, under the leadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, staunchly opposed the recognition of Palestine as a state, citing it as a threat to its existence. The recent developments come in the wake of the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor seeking arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Gaza offensive.         

Israeli PM Netanyahu had refuted the allegations, asserting that Military action against Hamas aims to pressure into concessions. 

“Military action that we take against Hamas is in fact the way to get these hostages because without military pressure, basically, without, you know, squeezing them, Hamas is not going to give up anything,” he was quoted as saying by CNN.

Meanwhile, reports indicated that aid unladed from a US-built temporary pier off Gaza’s coast has yet to reach the broader Palestinian population. The Pentagon disclosed that efforts are underway to coordinate safe delivery routes with the UN and Israel, CNN in a report said. 

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